

Gender Differences

Nathan and I were just starting to clean the guestroom when we heard cries erupt down the hall.  We found Ellie and Reni, both in tears, but Reni holding a baton in hand.

"Guys, what happened?"  We both asked, though it wasn't difficult to surmise.

"Reni hit me!"  Ellie blubbered, with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Reni, did you hit your sister?"



"I say 'sorry'", he replied.

"Ellie," I said.  "Boys like to play rough sometimes.  They like to play things like cowboys and soldiers and stuff like that."

It's true, Reni has been acting full out boy for the past few months, pounding anything in sight, though not maliciously.  We're constantly  correcting him, trying to channel his energy until the weather is nicer and he can rough and tumble outside where he's less likely to break something.

"It doesn't mean he should hit you though.  Reni, tell Ellie you're sorry and give her a hug."

They hug it out, then Ellie dissolves into tears again and sobs, "I live in a place of butterflies and flowers.  Not armies!  Where are Chloe and Essie?"

Nathan and I got a chuckle.  Oh the joy of raising a girl AND a boy!

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