

Flying thru February

I have no idea where this week went... really.  So fast.

Nathan got home Saturday afternoon (last week) and we were all thrilled to have Daddy home.  Ellie was still in the throes of her cold/fever and didn't make it to church on Sunday, so Nathan rested with her at home and I took Reni ... which threw Reni for a loop because Nathan had just gotten home and I was taking him away from his dad already.  For the next several days Reni watched us like hawks, happiest when we were altogether (love that boy!).

Then I got sick, and then Nathan got sick. In the midst of colds, coughs (for Nathan, quite violent and painful), and sniffles we had an 18-month post placement appointment in Lexington with our SW, an OT evaluation of Ellie (back up in Cincinnati), church board meeting, 6 parties stay in our 2 guestrooms (since Sunday),  and a host of other unusual appointments on top of our standing weekly meetings/homeschooling.  Did I mention we are speaking tomorrow night at our student fellowship, Global Cafe`?  I shouldn't be surprised that there's always lots to do when you come back from a trip.  And I'm remembering why we never travel during the semester if we can at all help it!

All of that was a bit easier to manage because we found out who will be moving into our position at the student center after we leave.  Beginning this process of transition has been really revealing to me as I start to uncurl my fingers of 'ownership' on this place/work/ministry that has become the bulk of our life for the past 13 years.  I must confess that while in Albania my heart was distracted the first few days, knowing that interviews were taking place at that time for our replacement.  And while our boss asked our opinion, the decision (thankfully) wasn't ours to make, and I found myself praying a lot, giving it up to God.  Whenever my heart was anxious, I lifted up the future of the ministry here at Asbury, probably more intensely than I have at anytime during our tenure, I'm ashamed to admit, finding peace in the knowledge that God had plans in store for the center that were bigger and greater than I would know.  By the middle of the week in Albania I found my heart at peace with whomever would have gotten the position.  But I can't share that just yet!

Mom and Dad Waggoner arrived late last night and we're all excited to have them here, the kids in particular, of course.  Last night we were sitting in the living room catching up and PaPa would periodically reach over and tickle Ellie (while she was sitting between him and Nonna).

She finally looked up and Nonna and asked, "Why does PaPa tease me?"

"Because that's how he shows that he loves you,"  Nonna replied.

"Is that because he doesn't know how to hug and kiss?"

Ah, Ellie.  You never cease to deliver something quoteable, each and every day.

I don't have a photo, so I'll leave you with the graphic that we're using as our publicity piece for Sunday night.  If you live locally, you're welcome to join us!  6PM:


Aunt Ruth said...

Oh how much I love you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dad and mom are coming - wish I could be there too! They just did the 30 hour famine with our youth group and it was awesome to have them there.