

Battleship as ministry?

Today has rushed past us with no big appointments, but a lot of little errands and visits.  Cydil and the kids have already turned in for the night, but I wanted to get something out before I followed shortly.
Tuesday night in Vlashi is the men’s meeting night.  Honestly, reaching the men in the village has been one of the hardest tasks Planters has attempted.  “Religion” is thought of as something for women and children.  I don’t think that perspective it is all that different in many places in the United States, but these men grew up under Communist rule without ever a mention of God, so they naturally don’t need God since they lived so long without Him. 

How do you attract men like this? => COMPETITION!

Whether it is who can shoot the most consecutive free throws (Wilmore, Kentucky) or who can shoot the most guinea fowl for supper (Vlashi, Albania), competition brings men out of the house!  On Tuesday, the new competitive game was Battleship!

David had brought ten sets of the game from America, so we set up the room for multiple battles.  After the rules were explained, the first two took their seats while the others watched and gave advice.  Soon four games were going at once with young competing with old, and Arian supplying the coffee for fuel.  Dominoes took over for Battleship on one of the tables and the room got louder.  This past Tuesday, the planned lesson on the power of the tongue (see James 3) got crowded out by fellowship.  So is Battleship ministry?  I believe it can be when relationships are the focus.  As I shook the hands of each of the men heading home, I knew Genti would razz Ansalmo about sinking his last submarine, and entire hands of dominoes would be relived throughout the week.  Relationships were being built and these men would be back to battle it out again next week!

Pray with me for the men of Vlashi.  The Father is pursuing them and several are beginning to respond to His pursuit!

I have attached a few pictures of Tuesday night taken from video camera below, so you could get a taste of the evening.  Too bad the espresso can’t be sent via blog, because Arian was a professional barista!


Anonymous said...

So wonderful to get to talk with you last night! I went to bed with a happy heart, realizing anew that God has prepared you and called you to a people you already love, and to a needy country with endless possibilities for ministry! Dad and I are getting more and more excited for you!

How appropriate it is to see Reni beside Mother Teresa, having been loved and nurtured by God's women in one of Mother Teresa's orphanages.

Ellie looks to be in her glory with the rapt attention of the teenagers as she tells her story! :-)Isn't it neat to see how Ellie and Reni open doors of ministry!

We were e4xcited to hear about both the men's and women's groups, as well as the teenage orphanage!

Did you find Ellie's glasses?

Sleep well tonight.
Dad and Mom

Aunt Ruth said...

We will pray for he ministry. God bless you and the work.So anxious to hear of the visit to Reni's orphanage.