

Photo Challenge: a tool

I've been trying to get back on the blogging track this month... Can 1 week overseas really take me 3 weeks to catch up from?  No, who am I fooling?  I will NEVER be caught up, especially with an impending move!

In attempts to change things up a bit here for a short while, I've decided to try one of those monthly  'photo challenges' I've seen online. Monday's assignment:  photograph a 'tool.'

That wasn't hard given that I had just finished using this:  a citrus press (?).  I LOVE freshly squeezed lemon in my water and this little tool ensures that I get every last drop (you can buy one for yourself one like mine from the Pampered Chef).  Someone told me recently that acid from oranges and lemons helps reduce coughing and if you've been around our family, you know that we brought home a little souvenir from our travels... a lingering, won't-leave-us-alone, double-you-over cough.

So here you go.  A tool I used today that will hopefully in some small part help us feel better.  Or at least meet our recommended, daily requirement of vitamin C!

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