

To Vlore and Back one last time...

What a day! Today was the day we were dreading for Ellie’s sake. The rough six hours in a car to Vlore and back is hard enough for the seasoned traveler, but for a baby who has only been in a car seat one other time in her life (and pretty much hated that time too), this day was pure torture. Both directions saw Elisona crying for the first 1.5 hours and then sleeping from the exhaustion of crying for the last 1.5 hours. On top of the ride itself, she is teething and we wouldn’t be surprised if she is getting what all of us have been passing around and trying desperately to avoid sharing with her, a sore throat and cold.
But the ride was just the means to an ends which was applying for Ellie’s Albanian passport. This process could take up to two weeks (though for adoptions it is usually closer to 7 days), and we have been asking for your prayers in having this process expedited. Well, today we felt like the way had been paved for us before we arrived. In fact, we would have the passport in our hands right now if the printer was working today. Only in Albania! It is supposed to be finished tomorrow and our Bethany representative will be traveling down for us to pick it up (assuming the printer is fixed). This means for the first time we may be ahead of our projected schedule and not behind! Thank you for your prayers!

Ellie bounced back quickly from her car ride tonight and has spent the rest of the evening happily playing on the living room floor. It’s really starting to sink in now that she is ours! Though we have had her two full days, we’ve not had much extended time with her here at home doing regular family-time stuff. Adoption-wise, we don’t have anything more we can do until December 26 at the Embassy! Thanks for your prayers! We hope to have a good report of a completed passport on our next blog update!
One day on the walk back from Elisona's orphanage in Vlore, Cydil took a minute to write Ellie's name in the sand. Though the water has long since washed away any sign of it, the memories of it and so many other things have been stored away in our minds and hearts. As we close the chapter of Vlore and approach Christmas, we further understand what Mary must have felt in Luke 2:19 "But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart."


Anonymous said...

Nathan and Cydil,
Isnt it wonderful how faith works!! I know God will go before you and make your path easier..Youre getting closer to the home stretch...and now you have Ellie in your arms..God Bless you Markettys

Anonymous said...

Nathan and Cydil,

My prayers are with you over these next few days! I echo the comments made by others: Checking your blog each day has become such a bright spot in my day! I sent it to Mom, and she checks it too! We were wondering, though, if you could please bring little Matilda home to us, as with her red hair and ruddy cheeks, we think she could become a Rankin girl rather easily!

Blessings and prayers with you over these next few days!


Anonymous said...

Oh, how great it feels to finally have it all sink in. We remember that feeling with great joy and testify to how it increases day by day. We pray that the printer is fixed and that tomorrow will be a joyous day for you. We pray that you will be home soon, with all the stuff behind you, listening to your dear Ellie sleeping in her crib, imagining a lifetime with her in your family.

Andreas, Laurie, Samuel

Kami Rice said...

So good to get the good news! I'll continue praying for the rest of the steps to come together!

Cydil said...

We had lunch with the orphanage director on Wednesday and I took the opportunity to ask about the "adoptability" status of the kids in Ellie's room. She said that Matilda's birthmother had visited her one time since she's been in the orphanage (Matilda's about 12 months old). Abandonment procedures (which would put her on the adoption track) can not begin until the child has not been visited by a family member for 12 months. So, this visit by her birthmother prevents her from being adoptable for several more months. On a positive front, the director told us that Gergi's paperwork is in front of the adoption committee so he should be matched to a family before too long! And Olsi will "age-in" within a few months!