

Back in Vlore Again

It was great to be back to see Ellie again today! We expected to find her in her crib like normal, but we instead found our unhappy daughter being changed. It made this daddy’s heart glad that she immediately stopped crying when she saw us and as soon as I picked her up gave me her cute grin. She is starting to behave a little like a “normal” baby in one area: she’s beginning to lose interest in toys more quickly. Gone are the days when a bracelet could keep her attention for over an hour. As she learns and explores her quickly-expanding world, I think we may have our hands full keeping her occupied!

It is hard to believe that in 48 hours she will be ours! Tomorrow evening will be the last time we will have to say good-bye and leave her overnight in the orphanage! While our hearts are rejoicing over Elisona’s new life, we can’t help but have a sadness in our hearts for her roommates that we will be leaving behind. One particular girl, Matilda, cried when we would play with Ellie and not with her. As long as Cydil or I were holding her, Matilda was happy and quiet, but as soon as we put her down, she would cry again for more love and attention. Pray with us that God would raise up Christian parents for Matilda, Gergie, Olsie, Xhemmi (pronounced Jemmy), and Ermali--families that would introduce these children to the Father of the fatherless.


For us you may pray for all of the details that will be happening on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday!!! Tuesday morning we’ll be hosting a small party for the orphanage children and staff (this is a traditional pastime hosted by the family of the outgoing child). Some of the gifts for the caregivers are in the one piece of luggage that Nathan still hasn’t received from Austrian Airlines (this is Sunday night – he landed Friday afternoon)! Grandma Van and Aunt Hannah are coming down to Vlora on Tuesday and can bring those items if the luggage arrives tomorrow (Monday). After lunch on Tuesday afternoon we will pick up the adoption decree from the judge (it’s supposed to be released around 2PM) and from there go to a notary public to sign paperwork accepting custody of Elisona. Then we’ll make the 3 hour drive north to Tirana with her! Pray that she would be comfortable in a car seat, that she would find comfort in our presence and not cry the entire way to Tirana! On Wednesday Bethany’s representative will travel back to Vlora to pick up Ellie’s new birth certificate (with our last name). She then has to take it back to Tirana for a signature so that on Thursday all three Waggoners can travel back to Vlora to apply for her Albanian passport (yes, Ellie will be in a carseat for at least 6 hours on Thursday)! This is not a trip we are looking forward to making! As you can see, there are several documents and important signatures that have to be obtained to allow for a speedy passport process. Pray that the person we work with in Vlore’s passport office will want to help us and will expedite the paperwork. Due to extended closure at the US Embassy for New Year’s, we need her passport in our hands by December 27 in order to leave as scheduled on January 5! As with most of this process, the timing of much of this is out of our hands. We covet your prayers!


Anonymous said...

We are counting down the hours with you now! Ellie's expression in today's picture indicates the content and secure feeling she has in your arms! She is a beautiful little girl. Matilda is also so sweet. I know it will tear at your hearts to leave her and the others in the orphanage. Several people have said, "I bet they will come home with more than Ellie." We try to explain that there is much more involved.

Sending our special love and prayers,

Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

Nathan and Cydil,
The minutes are ticking away...and we are so excited for you! Nathan, we praise the Lord that you made it back and that little Ellie was so happy to see you! What a treat from God. We are praying our heads off for you and all the details and the unknowns...and praying for that first car ride. She very well may cry the whole way so we are praying for your ears and hearts as this is torture for any parent...but for you first time together as FAMILY! Please know our team in Hungary is with you and upholding you. Thanks for the gives Katy Beth and Jolayne something to talk about every time they are together. God is so good!