

Scenes from Vlora

Here is a view of Vlora coming into town from the north

Dad calls this photo "Boats, Buggy, and Bossie"

Here I am at the internet cafe on a rare noon-time visit

The hotel I have called home for most of the last 3 weeks! It's only 4 months old and has a generator, which is all one needs to be comfortable (because then you have lights, heat & hot water).

In the foreground is our hotel parking lot. The lower building in the center is the city's university. The tour buses bring in commuter students from Fier, a town about 40 km away. There are university students drinking coffee at the hotel bar from 8AM until the late evening hours. With all the students around, I feel right at home!

The view from our balcony
Hannah & Grandma Van walking to see Ellie Friday morning
Dad got this photo of the harbor at sunset on one of our walks back to the hotel from the orphanage

1 comment:

Kami Rice said...

At least in the pictures, Vlora looks like such a pretty, interesting place. It's so unfortunate that Ellie and the other children at her orphanage have no opportunity to explore and enjoy it. It's such a reminder of the things we take for granted.

So glad Nathan arrived safely!