

A passport in the hand is worth two in the police station

Well, we don’t have Ellie’s passport in hand tonight, but we have been informed that the printer is fixed and her passport will be completed tomorrow.  Yeah!  Tahir, Bethany’s driver, and his 1983 red Mercedes will be making one more trek to Vlore and back to pick it up for us.  On the way back yesterday, I asked Tahir if he could make the trip with his eyes closed now that he had done it so many times in the last 3 weeks.  He replied, “The car can drive its self now.”

Tomorrow we will be getting some more pictures of Elisona for the US Visa which has a different criteria than the Albanian passport and birth certificate pictures we took in Volre last week.  We have scheduled this trip for 2:00 PM to be just after Ellie’s nap which tends to be her most happy part of the day.  Hopefully her Visa picture doesn’t match the crying picture on her passport.

Thanks for Continuing to pray!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nathan and Cydil,We are glad to hear that the passport is ready. I can't believe the gov't has things ready on Sunday. I know you'll take it when ever you can get it. It's getting closer and closer to your coming home. Have a great Christmas with Cydil's parents and your sweet little girl. Grams and Pop Pop were so pleased with the pictures they received from you today. Love and prayers, Aunt Ruth