

First Birthday as a Mommy!

Today was another first--Cydil's first birthday as a mommy. This afternoon as we stood over the crib and watched Ellie sleep we were struck with how blessed we are and how strange it has been to go straight to being parents of a 18 month old baby!

The transition for Elisona has seemed to go pretty smoothly, but we are still learning and feeling each other out. She has been a little moody today, but we think she is somewhat under the weather and her teething doesn't help matters either. One breakthrough today was that she finally took a sippy cup! Maybe that doesn't sound like a big deal, but for us it was monumental especially considering the amount of traveling we will be doing soon. We also had her Visa picture taken today which was complicated by the fact that the two most direct bridges to get to the photo shop were closed for construction! She was a little fussy especially if the bright sunlight hit her, but overall I think the trip went well, and even though I don't think she was smiling for the pictures all that much, she sure wasn't crying which was good.

Below is one of my favorite pictures I have taken of my girls! It was taken tonight right before bedtime when Cydil and Ellie were playing on our bed.


Anonymous said...

Dear Nathan, Cydil, and Ellie,

What a beautiful picture!! We love each of you and long to gather you in our arms!

Anonymous said...

We truly loved the pictures! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Cydil. We are sure this is one birthday you will never forget. We love you all so much.
Uncle Jack and Aunt Ruth

Anonymous said...

That truly is one on the most beautiful pictures I have seen. It just shows you how great Gods love is Markettys

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Pictures are worth a thousand words and then some!! Have a wonderful first Christmas together as a family. We think and pray for you often. Merry Christmas and continued blessing in 2007.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nathan and Cydil. It's me again!! Cydil you are absolutely one of the prettiest Mommys I've ever seen. We are so happy for all of you. I love it when Nathan calls you and Ellie "his girls". As you have already been wished Have very special blessed Christmas with Ellie and your folks and Aunt Hannah. Oh, by the way, aren't sippy cups wonderful!!! Continued love and Prayers, Aunt Ruth

Anonymous said...

The pictures are so beautiful. Grandma Van looks like a total natural!!!!!
Have a very wonderful Christmas!
loveu, Aunt Dianna