

Who's the Fairest of Them All?

Grandma and Aunt Hannah pulled into town (with Mom, of course) and with them came a new bag of tricks! By far the most popular diversion was not the animal crackers or honey-nut Cheerios but Grandma’s make-up mirror! Try as she could, she could never reach through and touch the face of the little girl looking back at her! She would turn her head and study the reflection through the corners of her eyes but she could never get away. Even more fascinating were the huge brown eyes on the magnified flip side!

Of course, she’s still not used to all the loving we would love to give, so she finished the afternoon in the room’s only walker. On more than one occasion we noticed her standing up on her own legs! We suspect she felt more confident to try this because she was wearing a pair of shoes, albeit large ones. We brought some shoes for her on this trip and are anxious to get them on her and determine her (American) shoe size.

Today marks another milestone: we are officially down to ONE week until she will be ours!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, what precious pictures! The progress Ellie is making is amazing! Once again, the blog post made my day!

All our love and prayers,
