

Saturday night report and prayer requests

Today was mainly a day of preparation for returning to Vlore tomorrow morning.  There is a car going to Vlore on Monday morning in time for the court date, but we have decided to go a day early to spend more time with Elisona.  We will be traveling by micro-bus and are taking the advise of a friend of a friend who is a police officer to choose the safest driver for the 3+ hour trip.  This will only cost us 600 lek (about $6 unless the dollar continues to fall) each, and we don’t think we could even cover diesel costs for $12 if we had someone else drive us down.

We would appreciate your prayers for safety in travel (always a prayer request no matter the driver).  Also, there is some concern from several Albanian friends that we have talked to that the psychologist who interviewed us last week could easily have us over a barrel if he decides not to finish the written report for the court on Monday.  Please pray that, as Agim our Bethany representative believes, this second hearing is only a formality and that the “hard work” is behind us as of Friday.  We don’t know what we will do if there is another roadblock in this court case.  Pray that the psychologist and judge will do what is best for Ellie and start the 15 day waiting period for our taking custody on Monday and not put it off any longer.

Thank you for your prayers in the past, they have been such an encouragement!  Monday’s court time is at 2PM (8 AM your time).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nathan and Cydil
You will be the last thing I think about before I shut my eyes,I will hold you up in prayer, remember our God is Awesome. He will hold you in his hands. All will be well. Love to both of you and Ellie