

Post from Daddy in Wilmore

I don't have any pictures for this post because all of our camera stuff is in Albania where it is being put to good use. It is probably for the best because I don't want Cydil to see the apartment in this condition anyway! :-)

Reagan and I are missing Cydil greatly and now I have the added beautiful Elisona to miss as well. Reagan has no clue what life will be like in a few short weeks! I have been keeping very busy here in Wilmore hosting Christmas parties at the student center, writing final exams, and grading a seemingly never ending pile of papers and projects. This busyness has been good for me though, because it has kept me from having the pity party I want to have for missing out on time with Ellie. The days are passing quickly, and soon (this Thursday) I will be boarding a plane again to head back to my girls' arms.

In church today, Pastor Elliot preached on Mark 5:21-43 about the raising Jarius' daughter and the healing of the woman with a bleeding disorder. He said that both were examples of life before and after "Christmas." What a difference was made in both cases when the Christ of Christmas was brought into the situation! What stuck out to me though, (and honestly made my mind wander over six time zones to Albania) was what Jarius was willing to do to get help from Jesus because of the love of his daughter. By kneeling before Jesus and begging for his help, he was identifying with demoniacs and lepers and others in a very humble positions. He was a religious celebrity and that status was jeopardized by his act, but yet he would do anything for his daughter. That thought would have been lost to me just months ago, but this daddy already feels the same way about his daughter! I am willing to try to move mountains to help her! How much more must God want to help us if we let Him?

Well, I could type more, but I have a mountain of grading to move before I can get back to my girls. Thanks for your continued prayers! Your love and support of us during this time is a most precious Christmas gift!



Anonymous said...

cydil - that's awesome that your dad has been to montenegro. i think it's an up-and-coming "hotspot" - it was in the james bond movie and i also saw a travel article about it recently.

have fun with ellie this week!

Betsy from Vt said...

Dear Nathan and Cydil, You do not know me but I was a bridesmaid in your parents wedding (Nathan's)many years ago. And I have been praying that the Lord would send you a little one. How delighted I was to recieve your parents Christmas new letter today and hear of Little Ellie Joy--she even looks just like you too!
We praise God for Hisfaithfulness. Thank you so much for allowing us to share your joy.

from Betsy in Vermont

PS If Ellie needs another grandmother--I will be happy to apply for the job!!