

Photos from Ellie's last day in Coldwater Orphanage

For the update on Wednesday's activities, scroll to the bottom of this post.
Organized chaos at Ellie's going-away party
Zania and Nathan feeding chocolate pudding

Alma wants to blow bubbles herself!

Ellie finds the balloons to have an interesting texture!

Mom and Dad changing Ellie into her going-away outfit!

Ellie was in great spirits

Our girl is seriously fascinated with video cameras of any kind -- a good sign for the daughter of media nuts. Thank goodness for Mandi on Tuesday -- he got some priceless video for us which allowed us to just "live" the day and not worry about recording it ourselves.
Buckled in and ready to hit the road!

Ellie didn't care too much for the supper we prepared for her at this little pit-stop in the trip, though the next morning she downed it...after we put it in a cup more similar to what she was used to using


Anonymous said...


We are praying for you hour by hour on this crucial day of getting papers signed.

Finding new pictures each day is like opening one treasured gift after another! The one of the three of you as you prepare to leave the orphanage captures your joy! It is priceless.

All three of you are dearly loved!

Kathryn said...

Nathan and Cydil,

It is pure joy to watch your precious little girl growing right before my eyes with each posting you make. Each expression on sweet Ellie's face tells a story; in the beginning there was the story of her past of limitations, now those beautiful wide eyes are expectant, curious, loving.

For the past month I have come home from work every day to check the blog---to tell you the truth, I've had to place a box of kleenex by the computer. I share your joy and thank the Lord for His faithfulness to you. I continue to pray for you in these final days in Albania as well as for your safe return home.

Love and prayers, Kathi

PS---you do realize Aunt Ruth and Uncle Jack will be finding excuses to visit Kentucky in the next year?

Anonymous said...

Nathan and Cydil, We echo Lois' comments about the three of you as you leave the orphange. We'll all want copies of that picture!! We're praying that all has gone well for you today and that you've been able to obtain Ellie's passport. I cannot put into words all the joy we've shared with you these days. All our love and prayers, Uncle Jack and Aunt Ruth

Anonymous said...

Wow, what great pictures.
Nathan, have you lost a bunch of weight? You look so much thinner.
Praying for you every day.
I love the going away picture in her cute little outfit.
And me too having kleenex next to the computer!
loveu, Aund Dianna

Anonymous said...

Nathan and Cydil, Aunt Ruth had asked for copies of the photo. I downloaded it into "My Pictures" and have made several copies.
Uncle Jack