

next hurdle jumped

The judge granted us approval today and the 15 day count begins!  It wasn’t without it’s dramatic moments (like the court administrator coming in and telling us the judge required copies of our last three year’s tax returns while the courthouse was without electricity to power their copier machine – it took so long for our Bethany friend and translator to find a copier and get the documents copied we feared the judge would leave and go home!).  In the end though, we are grateful to get beyond this hurdle.

Nathan is on his way back to Tirana for a short night’s sleep.  He leaves for the airport at 3:30AM!  Dad came down this morning to join me in Vlora for the balance of the week.  He was able to see Ellie this morning for the first time since November 24 and noted that her confidence has greatly improved.  This was encouraging.  It was difficult for Nathan to say goodbye to her.  By the time he returns, the waiting period should be nearly over!  Our goal for the week is to enjoy some time with Ellie outside – if the weather holds.  They’re calling for rain all week!

Thank you for your prayers on our behalf!  You bless us greatly!


NCWaggoner said...

It is weird being on the "reading" side of the blogs. I'll miss you and Ellie!!

Anonymous said...

Nathan and Cydil,

With all our hearts we praise the Lord for helping you through this morning's court proceedings. The new updates and pictures on the blog are so priceless. Nathan, I can only imagine how hard it was for you to leave today. Be encouraged with Ellie's progress, God's wonderful help in this process, and God's care for Ellie and Cydil while you are gone, Now we are praying for your safety as you come home. I do not have words right now to tell you, all three, how much you are loved and treasured. Love Mom and Dad

Kami Rice said...

So glad to hear the positive outcome of today's court time. I'm glad the waiting period was not delayed. Yah!

Anonymous said...

Nathan and Cydil,
We are so excited. Praise the Lord. Vicki and I have been reading your blog daily and updating the girls in the office and the Titus ladies. We are all praying and carrying you in our hearts. We printed off some pictures of Ellie at our last Bible Study. The ladies already love her. Praying the Lord will keep each of you in these next days.

We love you,
Stephanie and Vicki (and all the Titus Women)