

Got it!

This morning we rose with the knowledge that our adoption task list was quickly shrinking! This morning Ellie got her MMR shot, then we came home for a quick lunch and nap, then left again for the meeting at the Embassy! All in all, it was pretty easy, since we applied for her visa last February! After submitting the balance of our documents and paying the fee, we just had to answer a few questions and leave Ellie's passport to which they would affix the visa. A few hours later we got a phone call that it was done and Alma delivered the passport containing the precious visa, along with a folder of other documents! We still can hardly believe that it's all done! Thank you for your prayers on our behalf! We give God the glory! Thank Him with us!

The clinic where Ellie got her shot this morning


Anonymous said...

I have read your Blog daily sometimes more than once a day, and sometimes I feel I have lived it with your family, for the first time today I cried...just knowing how God provides for us, Praise him, He is awesome..I hope for safe traveling and will continue to pray for you

Anonymous said...

God is Good! Finally it is completed and you can head home soon!?!

Sharon E

Kami Rice said...
