

From party to panic and back

Well, as you know, today was the day we have been counting down to for weeks! (Over a year if you count the entire process) The day started as we expected. Our visit with Elisona in the orphanage was pretty normal with only mommy and daddy knowing what the day really meant. Cydil’s parents arrived at about 9:30 and by 10:15 we were throwing the first of two parties for the orphanage kids (pictures to come tomorrow). The pudding was a hit with some of the kids and a miss with others, but everyone enjoyed the bubbles! We left Ellie for her nap and went to lunch anticipating the afternoon when we would return to pick-up Elisona, sign some paperwork, and head back to Tirana with Elisona Joy Waggoner!

It was a phone call from our Bethany representative during lunch that changed our celebration lunch into one of frustration. We were told that the judge did not have the paperwork done (that he had had 15 days to draw up) and because there was no power at the court house, it would not be completed today, meaning we could not take Elisona home until tomorrow at the earliest. Needless to say, this eliminated our appetite and changed our mindset dramatically. We made phone calls, we prayed, and we made more phone calls. Finally, we decided to return to the court house with our representative to see if there was any way of getting the papers that were promised for today. Our first prayer was answered as we arrived and noticed that the power was back on. To make a long story short, while we got the adoption decree today, we were unable to notarize the custody paperwork today (it turns out that today is the day that all the notaries in Vlora attended a seminar to update their licensure). What that meant was that we could take Ellie home with us, but our first full day of “parenthood” will be spent in the car driving back to Vlora leaving Elisona behind in Tirana with Grandma Van and Aunt Hannah as babysitters while we get a document notarized (it has to be notarized in Vlora because the orphanage director’s signature is also required, not just ours). After tonight’s tortuous ride home, we didn’t want to subject Ellie to 6 more hours in the carseat on Wednesday, only to repeat it again on Thursday when she will make the required trip to apply for her passport.

All this hassle is worth it though as I hear her cute little snore coming from the crib at the foot of our bed while we type this blog. She has seemed quite relaxed and comfortable with us since arriving at the apartment and for that we are very grateful. Provided we return at a decent hour tomorrow, we hope to post photos for you. Meanwhile, we are bushed!


Anonymous said...

i had to check tonight before i went to bed. emma woke up unexpectedly so she is sitting on my lap helping me write this. she blows a kiss to little ellie and is so happy ellie is with her mommy and daddy. what joy! we are praying for you tomorrow and thursday. one day at a time, one step at a time. praise the have your little girl!

Anonymous said...

We have enjoyed keeping up with you - reading your blog daily. So sorry that you had an unexpected disappointment today, but as you said, hearing her sleeping in your presence makes it not so bad. We will continue to pray for you daily and we look forward to meeting Ellie Joy when you finally get home!
Cheryl for all the Nesselroades

Anonymous said...

Nathan and Cydil, we rejoice in God's workings for the 3 of you. We will pray for you tomorrow and Thursday.
Thank you so much for keeping us posted. We check our computer often to see how your day has been. Sorry for the hassles of Tuesday. We are praying for all to go smoothly in the following days. We love you, Aunt Ruth

Anonymous said...

Hi Nathan, Cydil, and Ellie,
We are so excited that the day of bringing Ellie home is almost here. We are praising Jesus with you and we know that He who started this good work will bring it to completion. We love you and can't wait to meet the new addition to the family!
Love and prayers, Vicki and Stephanie

Anonymous said...

Dear Waggoners (all three),

I am in tears as I read your blog day by day. My heart rejoices for your precious little one and cries for the others that so desprately need homes. We are praying for you and know that God's timing is perfect (even when it's trying). You will continually be lifted up. Merry Christmas - may your first Christmas as parents be an incredible one.
Love the Kjernald Family

Anonymous said...

Hello Nathan and Cydil: Sharon and I have been watching your blog. It is great to see the changes in Ellie over the days and weeks. You will see even more now that she is with you fulltime.

This will be a memorable Christmas for all of you. There is a great new song out on the Christian radio stations, a real tear jerker, that speaks about adoption and having their daughter with them for Christmas. Bill and I are experiencing the joy of this with our daughter and I know you will with Ellie. JAN