

Visit from dear friends...

Is there an expiration date on photos, after which you can't post them?  I hope note.  If 30 days is the limit, then I think I'm coming in under the wire with these.  Last month we had a special visit from our friends, the McCreadys, from western PA.  John and Corrina are dear friends we met through our church's small group and young marrieds class.  Corrina and I were walking buddies when their oldest, Caleigh was a newborn!  She turns ten on our anniversary, just 8 days from now.  Gulp!  (Cool coincidence, our oldest was born on John and Corrina's anniversary!).  These photos are woefully insufficient -- I never even got a photo of John and Corrina, or a decent one of their youngest, Joanna.  I guess that means we'll just have to schedule a visit with them again.  Hopefully not too far away in the future!

Micah (above) and Alec (below) are twins.  In a few years I have a feeling they'll kill us in volleyball.  Especially if they have their dad's height genes.

Reni adored Micah and was pleased to go anywhere he went.

this was taken the same afternoon, while we were all chilling in the back yard.  Unfortunately they lack a McCready.

Thanks, McCreadys, for paying us a visit.  Your friendship is a treasure!


Anonymous said...

I received your card, and saw this post on the same day! Tears in my eyes. We loved our visit, and yes we want to see y'all sooner than later :) And as a family, we need a family photo taken, maybe with a horse in the distance or a fence...
Love you guys- Corrina

Cydil said...

Corrina -- I think that can be arranged. ;-)