

Hide N' Seek

Reni loves to do this almost daily.  Occasionally we'll notice it's extra quiet and wonder, 'Where did Reni go?'.  Then we'll walk by a closet and hear a sweet little sing song voice say, 'Yoo hoo!'

Forgive the mis-matched jammies, but I'm sure you won't even notice over all the cuteness.  I'm LOVING this age!  New words this week are "blanket", "my turn" and "share".


Joann said...

I love his smile! It is infectious!

Anonymous said...

Well, I've started my day today with tears...tears of awe, wonder and joy. I love the verse God has given you, Cydil. Our Ellie and Reni, once hidden, are truly treasures that have been found and rescued, and none of our lives will ever be the same!

So great to share a Chipotle lunch with you yesterday. See you at the beach!

Jan said...

Wait till he starts dressing himself - he'll want to leave the house in an outfit like that! :) I love two year olds- finally getting to hear what they are thinking and the cute way they try to say things, it's so adorable! But then I also don't have to live with a 2 year old 24/7 so that may be part of it. Three is a pretty cute age too. A lot of attitude seems to come at 4.

Unknown said...

Super stinkin' cute. Seriously.