

Hidden Treasures

I don't know who all stops in and visits our little blog, but I thought these links might touch some of you.

You may wonder why anyone would consider special needs adoption, or you may just enjoy reading a testimony of someone's personal journey to adoption... the links below fit both categories, and after a couple of recent encounters, I feel they are especially timely to share.

Yesterday after getting my hair cut I ran into someone I hadn't seen in a couple of years, and then a short time later had lunch with a few folks that again, I very rarely see socially.  On both occasions in the process of them asking about my children (particularly about adding Reni to our family in the last year), I was asked if we pursued special needs adoption intentionally. Then later, something to the effect was said about how "lucky" Ellie and Reni are to have us as parents.

I know they are meaning to pay Nathan and I a compliment, but it really makes me uncomfortable and I sat there, tongue-tied because I didn't know how to respond.  I know how much we lack on so many levels in the parenthood department.  I know now that parents of special needs kids are regular people. But I also know a truth that I didn't know before.  I recently came upon a verse in Isaiah that resonated strongly in my heart, "I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden wealth of secret places, so that you may know that it is I, The LORD, the God of Israel, who calls you by your name." (NASV)

As I reflect back on yesterday's conversation, I realize that verse is what what I need to learn to articulate -- that my children were hidden treasures -- in fact, many, many folks would have overlooked them.  But through the experience of adopting them, we have been drawn closer to our heavenly Father than ever before and have heard his voice more clearly than at almost any other time in our lives as he led us on this treasure hunt that brought our two children home. As we near the end of our first year with Reni, this is what I have come away with.  There is treasure and hidden wealth in helping the orphan and in adoption -- both in the children you carry in your hearts and the intimate experience with the Lord. And this treasure is something that will last for all eternity.

So in that context, perhaps you can see why I found this three-part series published on "We Are Grafted In" to be particularly touching and understand why I wanted to share this story with you (don't worry, they're quick reads).  I think you will enjoy ...

Part 1 of 3:  Not on Our Radar

Part 2 of 3: Everything In Here is Crazy

Part 3 of 3:  I Refuse

Thanks for reading and have a blessed weekend...

1 comment:

Aunt Ruth said...

Nathan and Cydil, we love you and your children. God is touching many hearts--mine included--through Ellie and Reni.
God works in wondrous ways.
God bless each of your precious family. We might see you next Thursday when we are in Wilmore to visit with the Nesselroades.