A little bit of Ellie news: our little girl cashed in her chips at 6:30 PM last night and as of this posting (7:45 AM) is still sleeping! I think her marathon day of travel has caught up with her!
The clinic where Ellie got her shot this morning
Ellie holds up her bruised hand from which the blood was drawn (see the blue spot above the wrist)
The doctor was likewise just as busy (again, the list of embassy-approved physicians is quite short), but agreed to see us tonight at 6:45! We were able to walk right in and the doctor confirmed what we already knew: that Ellie is a girl, and has all 10 fingers and all 10 toes! That is all she checked in her 30-second examination. What we didn't know was that she is lacking her mumps and rubella vaccine and will have to get that in the morning at 9:30. Yay! Another appointment with a needle!
One of the nice aspects to this evening's doctor's appointment was the chance to see Tirana after dark decorated with lights! We've spent most of our evenings close to home so this made the trip a little more enjoyable with the usual sites all dressed up for the holidays.
Our appointment at the embassy will take place at 1PM (7AM E.S.T.). Pray that all goes smoothly for us! So far, everything looks to be on track!
Here's a rare moment -- Ellie standing on her legs!
She's not so sure it's worth it yet.
Well, we don’t have Ellie’s passport in hand tonight, but we have been informed that the printer is fixed and her passport will be completed tomorrow. Yeah! Tahir,
Tomorrow we will be getting some more pictures of Elisona for the US Visa which has a different criteria than the Albanian passport and birth certificate pictures we took in Volre last week. We have scheduled this trip for 2:00 PM to be just after Ellie’s nap which tends to be her most happy part of the day. Hopefully her Visa picture doesn’t match the crying picture on her passport.
Thanks for Continuing to pray!
Well, as you know, today was the day we have been counting down to for weeks! (Over a year if you count the entire process) The day started as we expected. Our visit with Elisona in the orphanage was pretty normal with only mommy and daddy knowing what the day really meant. Cydil’s parents arrived at about 9:30 and by 10:15 we were throwing the first of two parties for the orphanage kids (pictures to come tomorrow). The pudding was a hit with some of the kids and a miss with others, but everyone enjoyed the bubbles! We left Ellie for her nap and went to lunch anticipating the afternoon when we would return to pick-up Elisona, sign some paperwork, and head back to Tirana with Elisona Joy Waggoner!
It was a phone call from our
All this hassle is worth it though as I hear her cute little snore coming from the crib at the foot of our bed while we type this blog. She has seemed quite relaxed and comfortable with us since arriving at the apartment and for that we are very grateful. Provided we return at a decent hour tomorrow, we hope to post photos for you. Meanwhile, we are bushed!
Elisona’s mood matched the weather today, slightly overcast with periodic showers. She still hasn’t kicked whatever has been ailing her and today was poking again at her ear which makes us think she may have an ear infection. Her usually voracious appetite was tempered at lunch time as she pushed her cup away after only drinking about a quarter of its contents. Obviously it was hard for mom and dad to know that Ellie wasn’t feeling well and not be able to do much to help her. Supper went a little smoother (it was her favorite banana concoction) and we settled down in the play room for about an hour with a Fisher-Price xylophone/piano toy. The first time she realized she could hit the keys and make a sound was like she had won the lottery. The hour varied between gently plucking the xylophone bars to loudly pounding on the keys interspersed with curious glances at dad’s funny noises.
Tomorrow is going to be a busy day with a full entourage of visitors arriving from Tirana at about 10:30 for a farewell party like this orphanage has probably never seen. It is at this time that we will be able to give the gifts that were given by our thoughtful Asbury friends, as well as other gifts we brought to show our appreciation for the orphanage staff. I’m sure there will be plenty of photos and maybe even a video (if we can upload one) from the day’s festivities. We’re a bit concerned about the travel with a sick girl, so you can pray with us about that. We’re also praying about the details of the paper chase involved in getting Ellie’s Albanian passport. God has gone before us every step so far and we believe that he is going before us still.
It may be hard to sleep tonight! Tomorrow is a day for which we’ve been waiting for more than a year!