

Men's Retreat Recap

It's Sunday night and we all feel like crashing hard, but before we go to bed, we want to share some photos from our first men's retreat this weekend.

I wasn't there, but it sounds like everyone had a good time!  Stephen shared the Gospel and challenged the men and sons in their relationships with each other. 

The retreat was held at a new Christian campground that opened about 6 months ago.  It was perfect for the weekend's activities.

 Four brothers and their sister's son (who brought one of his sons)

The empty swimming pool made a great place to play soccer...

Mersin led worship....

Stephen and the boys shared some humorous skits demonstrating the importance of "doing"(backing up your words with actions) over "saying only"

The evening session didn't start until 9PM.  It was a little late for this 5-year-old who was pretty tuckered out from hanging with the big boys (who some didn't get to bed til the wee hours of the morning)!

Saturday morning

Nathan got some great video of game time, which I hope we can share later.  I specifically asked for prayers that everyone would stay safe and while some of the games were pretty 'active', in spite of some close calls, injuries were spared! ;-)

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