

Grew by two!

If you follow my instagram photos, you might wonder where the two little blonde boys came from!
Yes, we do have two new kids in our family this week!

This is the only photo I could find of all four of them smiling for the camera.  Not sure what kind of "special effect" I performed with my camera phone!

No, we're not keeping them so their parents can go on an exotic European vacay.
No, they're not on a business trip.

The reason is definitely a lot less fun: emergency medical treatment.  And when you're living abroad with no immediate family within driving distance, much less the same time zone, and the air ambulance can only accommodate two (and you have a family of four) you reach out to your fellow friends because ... we understand and don't give it a second's thought.

Has it been a bit hectic with a couple more kids in the mix?  To be sure.

There's two new sheriffs in town!  They're all about justice and lockin' up the bad dudes!

They came on Saturday and have been brave little troopers ever since.  Different toys.  Playmates. Lot of time outside.  It's all added up to early bedtimes and lot of fun.

But we're not doing it alone -- others in the missionary/expat community have come alongside and helped with carpooling to school and even offering to spell us a night or two, if need be.

Our first day here we had a lost tooth!

I've always wondered what life would be like with more kids, and this is proving to be a good taste of the lives of my mama friends of bigger families!  We're getting our routines down, assembly-line style for everything from doling out cereal to brushing teeth.

I think we'll be at it a few more days! It's looking like our friends will be returning to Albania on Friday night. We're praying the kids continue to get along well and have patience with each other sharing a room altogether. ;-)

Nearly every day we're given some unexpected ways to serve Jesus, and we're grateful (albeit with some heavy eyelids each night) to be able to serve in this way too.

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