

Wild By Nature

It's Reading Week at Ellie's school and so each day has a theme to correlate with the "Book of the Day".  Today she was supposed to wear a shirt featuring a wild animal (I think the book was, "Where the Wild Things Are").  Our first choice was her Albania flag shirt with the double-headed eagle.  She loves eagles and we thought you can't get any wilder than a DOUBLE-headed eagle.  Alas, to her disappointment we couldn't find it (maybe she's outgrown those shirts?) so Dad thought this t-shirt would suffice.

When she cooperates for a photo with a good smile, I let her make goofy faces for the camera.  Today she just didn't stop, so I thought since they fit with the theme, I'd share them with you... I think you should be able to click on the collage below to enlarge it.

Two quick fun stories featuring the kids ...

Yesterday was baptism Sunday at church.  Since this is the first year that Ellie has joined us for the beginning of the worship service, I think this was the first baptism she has witnessed.  The first several to be baptized were kids, so Pastor Tim, our children's pastor, was in charge.  Unfortunately, Ellie isn't very good using her "whisper voice" so you can imagine some of the questions our neighbors overheard.  Things like, "Why did he put her face in the water???"  When it came time for the adults to be baptized, Pastor Tim exited and our senior pastor opened the curtain and stepped down in a blue choir robe.  Ellie (in typical dramatic fashion) gasped and asked, "Is that JESUS?"  Oh. My. Goodness.

This morning Reni joined his Daddy to run a few shopping errands.  As is his typical fashion, he (Reni) began making eyes at and smiling at the cashier while she scanned the goods.  His advances didn't go unnoticed.

"He's quite a flirt!"

Nathan responded, "Oh, we know.  We're a little worried."

"Why?  There's nothing wrong with that!"

"But he's going to be 15 some day." Nathan said.

"That's true."  After a moment's thought, she added, "He's gonna have trouble running away from those girls!"

Nathan said it was all he could do not to burst out laughing at her choice of words, quite sure she hadn't seen Reni's lack of legs.  Though who are we to say he won't be running laps around all of us by then!

Check back tomorrow... it's "Rainbow Day" and the kids are supposed to wear as many different colors as they can wear at once. Coincidentally, it's also class picture day.  I might have to purchase this year's class picture.  And a pair of sunglasses.


The Wofford family said...

That's great. My kids have been saying some funny things lately too. It's so fun to get a glimpse of how they think. Who thought it was a good idea to pair rainbow day with picture day??

Kelly said...

Your Ellie just makes me smile! What a silly girl. I enjoyed both your stories--a great way to start my day!! :)

goldentimes said...

My 6 year old son tonight said that he loved how soft his 2 month old brothers hands were, and said they were like chicken nuggets!? Oh the things they think up and say.
I am really enjoying reading your blog, I think I visited about 10 years ago the same orphanage your children were adopted from.

Unknown said...

Love those pictures! She is quite the character. :)

Georgia Bill said...

What beautiful kids! The joy on their faces makes me cry to know they are chosen by love, just as we are by the Father. Thanks for sharing.
- Bill Reincheld