

4 ear infections in 5 months...

Nathan just sent me this photo from his phone. He took Reni to the ENT this afternoon to discuss the possibility of tubes for Reni's ears (meanwhile I'm at home with Els, working on categorizing adoption expenses for our CPA). As you can see, the theme of the examining room was a big hit. Pray with us that this rectifies much of Reni's issues with his recurring infections and that maybe, just maybe, he'll start to sleep through the night! ;-)

UPDATE:  He's getting tubes.  March 7.  I hope we can wait that long.


Melissa and Bob said...

praying for Reni, and your sleep!

Darold and Marcia said...

Tubes really helped Jaedyn with all her ear infections so praying for you all.

Kelly said...

When I saw your post title, I thought..time for tubes! Our Ben had tubes twice. I hope he is feeling better.

(Thanks for your email...we are rethinking some of our plans for future gear. Very insightful...sometimes I get frustrated with the way the word adoption is used!)

Kelly said...

When I saw your post title, I thought..time for tubes! Our Ben had tubes twice. I hope he is feeling better.

(Thanks for your email...we are rethinking some of our plans for future gear. Very insightful...sometimes I get frustrated with the way the word adoption is used!)

Doreen Nixon said...

Kerri had tubes put in when she was little and it made the world of difference - the second ones had a one way valve so water from hair washing etc could not get into the inner ear. Praying all goes well and this solves his sleeping problems as well - we all know how painful ear infections can be.

Anonymous said...

What a handsome boy!!! He gets cuter every day!!! We will pray for a resolution for the ear infections. God loves you and so do we!! Uncle Jack and Aunt Ruth

Corrie said...

We will be praying for you! Both of my boys had tubes, and they really did help a lot. The surgery is super fast, recovery time was quick, and yes, sleeping improved greatly after the tubes. I love sleeping. :)