


One of the bonuses of laying on the floor in Ellie's room 'til she falls asleep each night is time to just click around the internet, catching up on news, my daily Twitter feed, and my all-time favorite: Google Reader (however did we keep up with our friends and family before they blogged their lives?).  Sometimes, Often Most nights I stay in there long after she starts snoring.  Only physical discomfort prevents me from letting time really get away from me!

Recently I was perusing a bloggy friend's link list and came across the site, "We Are Grafted In".  I thought, 'What a great name for an adoption blog!'  When I visited I immediately realized I had discovered a gold mine.  A wonderful mom decided the blogosphere lacked a good community for adoptive parents who shared a Christian world view and started this site herself as a means for Christian adoptive families to connect.  (You go, Kelly!).  It's only been up for about 6 months, but contains a wealth of links and resources (including a forum) in an easy-to-navigate format. Every day features a new post from a contributor that might cover a topic from orphan care to special needs to to attachment to reviews.  It's really the best of the best, or should I say, the "meat and potatoes" of adoption essays. I love it!  Adoption  friends -- check it out!  You'll love it!  And you might just know today's contributor... ;-)  (I admit it feels so cool to be a contributor -- I don't think I've ever been called that so far as I can remember! Quite an honor)

May I add my latest reason for loving WAGI?... I wrote last month about how I've been searching for other families who might have a child with limb differences like our Reni?  I found one on the forum there who is in Chin* right now to meet their son within a few days!  The little guy looks like he could be Reni's asian cousin!  He's absolutely precious! You can follow their trip here.

And if you remember, would you be so kind to pray for Nathan?  He'll be speaking to like 1500 university students tomorrow morning at 10am (EST) about adoption and the Father's heart for the orphan and the lost. Thank you!

[finally] today is a double-poster day! don't forget to check below!


Kelly said...

I am so glad that you got "noticed". Your posts are some of my very favorite to read! I only wish we lived closer so I could hear your husband speak.

I have said it before..but I love your heart and passion for the Lord and His people!!

Aunt Ruth said...

Nathan and Cydil, your Uncle Jack and I listened to every word of the Chapel message this morning. my heart was full and my eyes were moist with tears of joy. I am SURE God used your heart and the adoptions accounts to show His love and also yours in Ellie and Reni's adoptions. HOW BLESSED TO HAVE A LOVING HEAVENLY FATHER. HOW BLESSED ELLIE AND RENI ARE TO BE YOUR CHILDREN. ALL OUR LOVE,