

6 Months...

Sweet boy, Reni.  We can't believe tomorrow will mark six months of having you at home.  That doesn't seem possible ... yet you have grown SO much!  I took this photo of you tonight standing at the table in a big people chair for supper. You are tiring of your high chair (though we're not putting it away -- you're too messy still) and you can tell us that you want "CHAIR!"  The last couple of days you have started telling us when we need to change your diapers.  Then tonight you asked for "KEY" then took my keys to the front door, held them up and said "OPEN" in front of the door.  Sometimes when you're at a loss for words you just jabber and and interrupt conversation with even louder jabber words so you can join in.  I imagine when the sentences come, we'll know exactly what is on your mind (and it will probably have something to do with tractors, trucks, and cars -- which you have already learned to distinguish from each other).   You don't want to be left out and always have something to contribute, whether it's a word, a hug, or a giggle. It's a joy to have you in our family, little man. Our lives are so much more joyful having you with us. Don't grow up too fast!  We love you and enjoy every second we are with you!

Doing Bible story time at the kitchen table tonight because Ellie took too long eating her supper and Daddy had to leave early for the Haiti team meeting.


Kjernald Family Adventures said...

I can't beleive how much he has grown either. He is standing up so straight also. Give him a huge hug from me.

Hey, speaking of Haiti, their adoptions are open again and God's Littlest Angels have more kids than they have applicants. Haiti's parental requirements are strict, but it maybe worth a look into if you have the heart for Haiti. You can click over the God's Littlest Angels of of my blog. Then go down the sidebar to Dixies blog. I have kept up with them for years. Dixie is an amazing American missionary that runs the orphan with her husband. Sorry, just rambled on. Have a great day.



You wrote me an email so I clicked on the link to your blog!
Your kids are darling!
I can't wait till someday I can adopt!
Love your blog keep posting!