

Friends, Friends, Lots of Friends!

Reni with the Boldon kids (the only company I got a photograph of all weekend)

I think it was confirmed this past weekend that Reni loves people.  While he is typical of other children his age  (clingy to Mom or Dad around strangers) he does warm up pretty quickly to most new people and jump right in and interact.  This past weekend that was put to practice!

I have joked about our lack of a social life these past six months, as adding to our family wiped out whatever reservoir we had for "free time" as we adjusted to our new "normal."  Since the start of the new year, though, we feel like we've gotten our feet under us a bit better and taken the initiative to procure a sitter and go out on a date or two (usually to run errands -- but it's "alone time") and one time even met friends for a meal out!  What a treat!

While getting out takes some planning and initiative, a real bonus to our job here at the center are the number of folks who come through the doors.  While usually those guests are college students, this weekend was a bit different.  Between Friday evening and Monday morning we got to reconnect with some old friends we've not seen in a while (Gouges, Landerholms, and part of the Rasco clan) and get acquainted with some great folks we didn't know before (Cartrights and Boldons).  Three of those families had small children close in age to Ellie and/or Reni.  It was interesting to see how with each set of visitors in our home, Reni was more and more outgoing.  By the end, he was throwing himself in the arms of visitors and didn't want the "party" to end.  And we were with him -- it was a really fun weekend!

When the Boldon kids left after breakfast on Monday morning (their missionary parents shared at Global Cafe` the previous night), he laid down on the floor, burying his face in the carpet and cried inconsolably!  (Likely noticing the vast quiet with Ellie already gone to school).

I love it that our children get to meet and be around so many different people!  What a blessing!

On a completely different front -- the pics below are of our little utensil thief (if we don't watch where we put his high chair he's JUST within reach of my utensil holder and he helps himself to a new "plaything" between snacks while we're working in the kitchen).  Nice boy that he is, he will put it back -- we just have to watch so we can intercept it for proper cleaning. ;-)

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