

A Worthwhile Read

This post (listed today on "We Are Grafted In") echoes my heart many days...

And don't forget to head over here to see what Nathan and the team are up to. ;-)

Family News... We're still doing well, holding down the home front.  Yesterday, I heard Reni (twice) use the word, "MINE!"  I'm kinda surprised it took him this long!  Last night we went over to the Kinnells (THANK YOU!!!) and Reni had so much fun playing with their matchbox cars that he didn't eat supper.  Then Ellie played amazingly well with Chloe and Essie.  You have no idea how happy this made me to see her engage so well in cooperative play with kids her own age!  They turned Caesar's large dog crate into a hideout, all three fitting inside, with a blanket thrown over the top.  She still has a ways to go, but I think all-day Kindergarten (and the addition of a sibling) has been so, so helpful with her social skills.  Last night was another rough night with sleep.  First Reni crying HARD around 12:30 (I think he's teething), then Ellie WIDE awake at 1:44 and not settling down for a while.  Thankfully we got some solid sleep from then until the alarm went off at 6:30.  Ellie hasn't seemed to miss Nathan too much until this morning when she asked when he'd be back. Six sleeps is a long time for a 5-year-old!

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