

Tuesday update on Leah (and now Ellie)

One of my favorite all-time pics of the two Waggoner girl cousins from July '08

Just an update on Leah... tomorrow at 11AM (CST) Leah will undergo more debriding on her arm (the worst part is between her elbow and hand). Mom W thinks they are going to put her under for the procedure. She will be in the hospital a few more days if she doesn't need skin grafts. I know Stephen and Rachel appreciate your prayers on their behalf. Leah's hospital in Springfield (which is considered one of the, if not the, premier burn unit(s) in the state) is about an hour or more from their home and the four boys. Rachel's mom is traveling from Virginia tonight to help out.

On our front, Ellie woke up this morning positively toasty. Our famously low-reporting thermometer (which we have vowed for years we needed to replace, but never seem to remember until we need it again) read 100.6 at 6AM so we knew she was probably much warmer than that. Nurse Elizabeth took a couple of tries to get her thermometer under Ellie's arm and succeeded in getting a reading of 103.6. They said it looks like the flu, so Ellie and I are quarantining ourselves in the apartment and she seems content to lie in bed and watch movies. The whole time in the car and at the office she kept whimpering, "I want to go home!" In spite of such a fever, the doctor said she looked pretty perky for someone so sick! As much as Ellie talks about the dr's office and the staff she loves so much, I think it's spelled f-e-a-r!

To all of our friends who were over here last night: We are SO sorry! Ellie didn't exhibit any symptoms of illness before this morning, we promise! We hope none of you or your little ones come down with it!

This weekend we will be hosting our annual African Goat Roast (our largest attended event of the school year). I feel weary just thinking about what this week entails. You might add Nathan to your prayer list as I will be limited in what I can do to help him if Ellie is down for a while.

Thank you for your love and concern for our family!


Aunt Ruth said...

I love each and every one of your family (all the Waggoners) I am prayin g for Ellie and Leah.
Give Ellie a hug from Aunt Ruth.

hannah said...

I am praying for ellie for get better and and leah I hope ellie get better and I pray for leah this moring