

More Goat Roast Photos

I don't usually spend much time on our personal blog to share what we do at the center, but I just had to share some photos from our African Goat Roast on Saturday. It is the biggest event we do all year, and we couldn't do it without our incredible student cabinet, so I am bragging on them a bit here.
The Steury boys (green/red jersey & yellow vest) were with us the better part of Saturday, beginning with picking up the live goat and employing skills they acquired in Kenya to slaughter it in the Coppedge's pasture (we have photos of that too, but I'll spare you!). The rest came via mail order from a farm in CO. It saves us a lot of work.

We had the help of one of Nathan's former Mathematics profs, Dr. Rietz, on the grill.

Nancy, this one's for you!

I worked with the kitchen crew, churning out rice, stew, hot cider, coffee, and cheesecake!

The ticket line...

This is our box maze (or at least part of it). We black out the windows and doors (and turn off the lights) so it is COMPLETELY dark inside. Students had 10 minutes to find their way out before black lights would illuminate arrows on the bottom of the boxes to show the way out. Until last year we had a 'roof' on the maze but found that 1.) it required a LOT more duct tape, and 2.) got REALLY warm inside.

The day after, Ellie had fun playing 'hide and seek' with Nathan in the maze (with the lights on, of course).

Ellie was SO excited about the bonfire. She had been asking for a fire in the firepit all week long!

Our massive caramel apples are always a draw!

P.S. #1: This weekend is fall break. We've planned a fun little family get away overnight on Friday night for Els. It's going to be a lot of fun and I can't wait!
P.S. #2: This probably doesn't mean much to some of you, but for my photo friends, a lot of these photos were taken with my new 16-35mm lens. LUV it!!!


Darold and Marcia said...

Looks like lots of fun. You are going to have a share your secret of getting the carmel to stay on the apples. I tried and my carmel just ran off. If was SOO SAD! Please help!

Cydil said...

We just follow the directions on the Kraft bag of caramels. I think you're supposed to add a TBS of water to 5 caramels before melting in the microwave for ~45 seconds. (That's making individual apples, and not a batch).