

Big Praise

Thank you for praying with us. During surgery the doctors discovered Leah's burns were not as serious as initially feared and that she would not require ANY skin grafts! Praise God.


Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

I am so glad to hear this. Please give them our love.

Rebecca (and Ed)

Simon and Pam Wunderli said...

Hey Cydil, just catching up on your blog after a while due to guests etc. So sorry to hear about Leah. PTL she didn't need skin grafts. Please pass our love and prayers onto the rest of the family. Difficult days for everybody I am sure. Hope Ellie is feeling a lot better too. Love to all. Pam x

Jan said...

Praise the Lord!

Amy said...

So glad things aren't as bad initially feared and that you survived the goat roast.