

Show 'N Tell

Ellie was very proud to tell me this afternoon that she brought home the "Share Bag!" If I had read about the Share Bag, it was at the beginning of the year when my mind was a blur of adjusting to a new baby and sleepless nights.

Apparently the "Share Bag" is the new version of what we used to call "Show and Tell". I remember bringing new kittens to my school for show and tell when I was in Kindergarten (brought by my mom, of course). I assume that the nature of the bag gives parameters within which the treasured object must fit. Ellie had already determined what she was going to bring before I had time to read the note attached to the bag.

Her remote-controlled helicopter. I wish I could be a fly in the wall in her room tomorrow when she pulls that out.

1 comment:

Aunt Ruth said...

Ellie, your helicopter will be a big hit with your classmates!! Have you missed any school this week?? Everything here is closed due to ice, wind and some snow. Thankfully, the power has stayed on!!!