

Minus 1 More

This weekend I had the pleasure of photographing the homecoming of the newest member of the DeLuca clan (from "One More Makes 4...hmmm, Let's Make that 5!) Ever since Wes and Nina photographed Reni's homecoming, I wanted to do it for someone else (and hopefully Wes and Nina's in the next couple of months)!

(Below) Will was a little scared and maybe feeling left out -- not knowing anyone other than his mom and dad. It wasn't until I was posting this photo below that I noticed the little hand on his arm. His siblings were SO empathetic, patiently waiting for Will to warm up, yet letting him know in their own way that they were so happy to have him home.

Will has been super attached to his daddy, as you can see here!

Sam SO glad to have his parents back home!

Former orphanage friends, now reacquainting as brothers!
No clearer picture of what happens to us when we come into the Body of Christ!

All you need are some toy cars and playing commences!
Proud Myra and Mike watching their brood ALL TOGETHER!

Yay! Finally smiles from Will!

First family photo!


Kjernald Family Adventures said...

Absolutely beautiful. What a wonderful gift.


Darold and Marcia said...


I cann't tell you all the times that this blog has made me cry! What a wonderful gift you have!

Rutledge 7 said...

you REALLY captured the moment! love home comings:)