

Tuesday blog post, Pt 2: More Videos

This weekend we got caught in a cloudburst without an umbrella, which Ellie frequently reminded us from then on that we needed. If the sun was out, she told us we could still use the umbrella to protect us from the sun (smart girl)! We pacified her by telling her she could by one from Tesa (Aunt) Vera's shop. She didn't let us forget and a day and a half later we were in the store to purchase it. The first video is of Ellie buying the umbrella (she is concerned that because her money isn't in coin form -- which is what she uses to buy tickets for rides at the park -- that it's not 'real' money).

The second video she was unaware of Nathan shooting. It's of her happily walking down the sidewalk, twirling her new purchase.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for all you do to keep us up to date in this journey. We are so proud of you and thank GOd for the grace and wisdom He continues to give you. Our love and prayers, Uncel Ken and Aunt Elaine

Aunt Ruth said...

What a joy Ellie Joy is!!! Loved the videos!!