

A few videos from Elbasan

We thought you might enjoy some of the sights and sounds we have been experiencing these last couple of days. Thanks for joining us in this faith journey!

There is a park down the road from our hotel. It was starting to get dark so the video quality from our point and shoot camera isn't great, but Ellie had a lot of fun playing engineer on the little train.

Ellie holds a wiggling David for the first time.




Lindsey Carney said...

He is so adorable :) I'm sure I'll say that over and over! I remember the first time Hudson fell asleep on me in Moscow, just stole my heart. We are praying for you and love the posts so far. I've even had Jason looking at them :) So exciting!

Kami Rice said...

So cute! So happy and excited for you guys! So cool to see how mobile and comfortable David is.

Aaron and Jennifer Santor said...

So happy for your family. He looks so content with his mommy. God is so good!! We will be praying for court to happen quickly and easily so you can just bring him home and not need a second trip.

Aunt Ruth said...

Nathan,Cydiland Ellie we are so excited for each of you!!! The pictures of each of you with David Reni are so precious!!! Many people are being touched by how God is working out this 2nd adoption for your family. We loved the videos also. By the way, David Reni is the 15th great grandchild for Grams and Pop Pop Champion!! God is GOOD!!!

Doreen Nixon said...

My name is Doreen and I am Kerri (the South African Missionary)'s mother. We had the pleasure of visiting Albania last year at the beginning of September and met David when he was just about 5 weeks old. I remember holding him and feeding him and praying for a family to adopt him and care for him - when we returned to the USA I had my church friends pray for parents for him so when Kerri told me that you were there to adopt him I could only thank God and stand in awe of what an awesome God we serve. We continue to pray for the adoption process to be finalised and trust God that His timing is always perfect. Be Blessed - In His Love - Doreen Nixon Maine USA