

Tuesday's visit to see David Reni

Thanks, Lilly, for this great photo!

He loved the swing, but it was obviously lulling him to sleep, so he didn't stay in for long.

Nonna brought books, of course! We love this pic!

We took DR on his first stroller ride. Ellie had a great time pushing him!

Each child has his or her own shelf for clothes.

Here we are checking out his emerging teeth

I included this photo to show how Ellie wants to do whatever we're doing with David. ;-)

Ellie requested this pose.

Monday night Kerri told us about this missionary child (Joel) who had a burden to pray for David to be adopted. We were pleased when he dropped in yesterday afternoon and we had the opportunity to meet him and take David's photo with him!


Kami Rice said...

Great photos! Yay about court! Love it that so many people have been praying for David along the way, even before you knew who he was. Such a lovely testimony of God's work and such a great legacy for David to learn about as he gets older.

Doreen Nixon said...

So glad you met Joel - it is truly amazing how many people have been carrying David Reni in prayer.