

Back in Elbasan

The last of the curvy road on the way to Elbasan

This post is later than normal because our hotel hasn't had internet all day. Hopefully we will be back up tomorrow, but no promises!

It’s Monday night and we’re back in Elbasan. The weekend was pretty quiet – which Ellie and I needed still being quite sick (particularly in the mornings). Sunday found Mom and I worshiping at Grace Church Tirana, then coming home for lunch and a quiet afternoon at our “Albania home” (Mom and Dad’s guest apartment has been our home base for visits here since 2004 and it is amazing what a difference it makes to recharge at a familiar place instead of feeling like we’re just transferring hotels). We napped and repacked our belongings for a shorter week’s stay back in E-town. For supper we were pleased to eat out at a neighborhood restaurant with friends, Beth & Altin, along with their daughter Janna (Yonna)Maria (age 7). It was fun to see Ellie play and interact with Janna. Els is still developing her social skills in the peers department, but Janna was very patient with her and the girls spent the evening at the table coloring, playing with miniature kitty cats, and playing iPod games while the grown ups talked. Ellie asked more than once if she could go to Janna’s house to play! I think she was grateful for an English-speaking peer!

We left for Elbasan around 8:30 this morning and enjoyed the beautiful drive through the mountains, though the elevation changes were kind of painful with my lingering head congestion. We got in about 10 minutes with David Reni before he completely conked out. His skin rash continues to spread and reach new parts of his body, poor guy. They said he’s always thirsty and not sleeping well at night. No wonder he sleeps when we’re there! He just wants to be held and ‘walked’, and the combination of the two are a sleepy combination.

We returned this afternoon for another visit. The first 30-45 minutes are usually pretty peaceful because we have the playroom to ourselves while the other kids wake up from nap time and snack. Then it’s an all out noise fest while the kids join us and play and squabble over toys and games. Thankfully some clouds rolled in which made it tolerable to go outside as a family to the courtyard to get a respite from the clamor indoors. It was while we were outside that we learned that our court date has been set for July 21. While it’s not this week as we hoped, we are grateful that it is not any later. It also feels good to have a date to make plans around. Nathan’s parents will be here at that time which will be nice as I was trying to envision how we could cajole an hour’s worth of good behavior out of Ellie should the appointment come at a time when we wouldn’t have help.

Speaking of Ellie, thank you for your prayers for her health. While her digestion is far from normal yet, her appetite has improved and she has been fever-free for the past 48 hours. She has currently crashed on her cot while I draft this blog post and Nathan watches Discovery Channel. Aside from CNN, it’s the only English-speaking television channel and we’ve watched more shows on survival, refurbishing cars and choppers, busting myths, the latest in luxury car releases, and a variety of other masculine pursuits. I suppose it could be a lot worse. ;-)

Thanks for checking in!


Aunt Ruth said...

Thank you, Jesus!!! So grateful for the court date to be set. David Reni is such a sweetheart!! Do they know what is the cause of his rash?? I love the picture of Reni standing! He will be walking soon. God has special plans for this little boy!!! Love and Prayers,

Carl and Lois said...

Between jobs here at home today, I have checked the blog many times, and have just found your post with the court date. Even though it is not as soon as we hoped, none of us can doubt that God's hand is in every detail. We look forward to having fun with our Ellie on the
21st while you are in court.

Just look at Reni...standing up and obviously very proud of himself!! Dad is packing medicine that he hopes will relieve Reni's
skin rash.

Anonymous said...

Finally, a court date - God is good; again in His time not ours. You continue in my prayers through this wonderful journey. Love the pictures and the comment from Ellie - her wish to bring David home. Out of the mouths of babes. May God's comfort and peace surround you and your family over the next couple of weeks. Sharon