

Shume Buker! (Very Beautiful!)

Last night our new friend Kerri showed us an unexpected jewel in the heart of Elbasan. We drive by the ruins of the ancient city wall on a daily basis, but we didn't know that if you go through a gate and walk down a steep staircase, you descend into another world that's green and quiet!

Inside the walls one finds an oasis of flowers and plants as well as scattered relics.

Here we are awaiting our supper. What a relaxing way to spend the evening! Our eyes couldn't take in all there was to see and enjoy. We remarked that we felt like we were in Italy or Greece.

It's a treat to show a little bit of Albania to Mom and Dad Waggoner. By the way, their luggage arrived!
This was my supper "Cannelloni with spinach and cheese"

Kerri surprised us with this baby photo of David Reni that she found on her cell phone. This was taken sometime this past fall.

If you ever find yourself in this corner of the world, we recommend a visit here! We want to return!


Anonymous said...

What a gorgous place!!! You all have been so faithful to continue to send us some great pictures of Albania!!! Of course the best ones are of Ellie and David Reni. Ha ha. Thank you so much for allowing us to be a part of your journey by your comments and your pictures. Like I said I really am addicted to your blog! I can't stay away from it. You are continually in our prayers. Love Uncle Ken and Aunt Elaine

bug seth tua pip said...

I'm glad you have been able to fill your days with new sights and new friends. It must be hard to enjoy the time in between being with Reni, but I hope it has been a nice break for you guys! The restaurants look super cool too.

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful! Great pic of David - another gift for you.

Doreen Nixon said...

My favourite place in Elbasan. So glad Kerri still had the photo on her cellphone. I am so enjoying following your Blog and the adoption of David Reni - and also seeing Elbasan and Albania through your eyes - it reminds me so much of our visit there last year. I fully understand why Kerri has fallen in love with Elbasan and the people who live there. Love the photos of you and your whole family David Reni is truly Blessed.