

Monday Morning Pics from Ellie

This morning’s trip to the orphanage found Reni a tad out of sorts at the beginning. I’m pretty sure he was enjoying his Duzi and didn’t want to leave her, but he eventually got sorted out and we enjoyed some time together. We let Ellie play with the point-and-shoot camera this morning and these are some of the images she captured. (We omitted a lot of images with partial fingers or chopped off heads).

He started his own game of hand-over-hand clapping. The girls found this amusing. He's also babbling quite a bit when he's happy. Nathan has gotten him to replicated the 'da-da' sound, but no luck with 'ma ma'.

This morning there were about 5 teenage girls helping out with the babies. The best we could put together is that they live at a local institution for disadvantaged girls. They will return to their families when they are 18.

This girl 'adopted' Ellie as her special friend once she learned that Ellie had lived in Vlora, her hometown.
Right before lunch David Reni started showing signs of dozing off. He eventually completely zonked out in Nathan's arms. He woke back up when we put him in his crib so we fed him some lunch (a thick chicken broth with vegetables and small balls of pasta). We also learned that when all else fails, lay him down with a bottle of milk and he'll go to sleep faster!


Aunt Ruth said...

auntruthGood shots Ellie!!

Kjernald Family Adventures said...

He is just absolutely beautiful! I am so excited for you guys and love watching this unfold again. I can clearly remember reading about your time with Ellie and I am loving to see this circle around again for all of you. I am praying for your time there and that you will receive your court date soon so that you can get the decree by the 30th. Blessings and safety on all of you. I can't wait to see you all together in the States.


bug seth tua pip said...

Have a great week with you all together. It is nice to see young people spending time with the kids!