

Miscellaneous Photos from Elbasan

It's a rare thing to see both rows of teeth! I think he looks much older than his age!

We already alluded to the first stroller ride. Ellie was so proud to push her brother in his stroller.

It's hard to get a photo of both of them together, but this one wasn't too bad (aside from shooting into an open window!)

One of the 'games' Ellie hoped her brother would play with her was for him to pull her glasses off her face. She was tickled when he finally did this and asked him to repeat the feat over and over again.

I happened to be outside with Ellie while Nathan and Reni were upstairs. The Sisters caught Reni gazing down on them below as they were leaving for mass. I thought this was a sweet shot. (sorry you can't see him so well). There really is so much love in this place...

Ellie wanted SO badly for her brother to join her in the water.

A family photo with Duzi

Jan Adkins, this photo above is for you. We thought this little sweetie looked like she could be from your bunch. Whadya think? Does Maddie want a sister? (just kidding -- I don't know that this little one is adoptable)

Ellie liked the quieter waters of the little kids' pool over the rambunctious splashing in the 'bigger' kids' pool

Dad W caught this shot of Reni. Love it.

Happy birthday today to Grandpa Whiteford and cousin Dallas!


Aunt Ruth said...

How blessed David Reni has been to be in such a loving place!! I know he enjoyed the stroller ride and playing with Ellie's glasses. Thanks you for each post. We love each one.

bug seth tua pip said...

Thanks for putting all those pictures together. Each post captures the different moods/days/scheduling quite well. Hope your weekend was restful :) We will keep lifting you guys up in prayer. I really like the picture of the sisters waving to Reni. It speaks quite a bit, like you mentioned.

Jan said...

What Fun! I have been reading everyday of the fun and love seeing pictures of little David, espeically with Ellie!
Imagine my suprise and delight to see my name on your blog and with a beautiful little one too. She is adorable. She would fit in wonderfully in this crazy household, I'm sure!
I continue to lift up your family and can't wait for the pictures of all 4 of you boarding the plane to come home, together as a family!