

Like Courtroom Dramas?

We'll spoil the ending right away. We passed court this afternoon and the 15 day appeal period begins.

Now for the drama. We arrived early, about ten minutes past twelve for our 12:30 court appointment. We were the first to arrive, followed shortly by Dr. Agim (from Bethany), then by the Sisters from Reni's orphanage, and finally at 12:30 by our attorney Altin (he was held up because of an accident on the road from Tirana to Elbasan).

To the shock of all six of us, the judge told us we were all late as the court case was supposed to start at noon. I don't think nuns are allowed to lie and they claimed their summons (back at the orphanage) stated the proceedings were to begin at 12:30. Our hearts sank as we knew this could be grounds for postponement if our judge so wanted. She had another case scheduled to begin at 12:30 and this one included a man in handcuffs.

Another issue was that the representative from the Adoption Committee had a car break down, delaying him indefinitely. His presence was required to complete the case today. And again, the judge would have been within her rights to postpone our case to another day if she didn't want to wait for his arrival.

Instead, she decided to start with who was there (delaying the next case) and hope that the others would arrive before we finished. After giving a brief testimony as to why we wanted to adopt Reni, we were ushed back into the hallway to await the arrival of the committee rep. Since no one had his direct line, we didn't really know when he was expected to arrive.

We passed the next hour or more in the hallway making small talk with the two Sisters. We also were debating Reni's adoptive name. Middle names are not common in Albania, and our request to name him "David Reni Waggoner" really threw confusion into the mix. After some discussion the judge agreed to allow us to give him a middle name but there was concern that it could delay production of his passport at the central office. In the end, we decided to adopt him as "Reni Waggoner" and embark on a name change back in the States when the time comes.

In the mean time, the judge left, but returned after the the representative from the adoption committee eventually arrived. Everyone (but us) was ushered back into the office, the rep was asked if his opinion had changed since last week. He said, "no," and the case was complete in less than a minute! The poor guy walked out of the courthouse and was on his way back to Tirana before his car could even cool down!

Thank you for your prayers today! I hope you share our joy in reaching this point in the process. It's official! He's Reni Waggoner!


Melissa said...

How exciting! Congrats! It is amazing how dramatic and crazy these courts can get. I am so happy that everything worked out for you. He'll be with you soon. YEAH!

Jonathan Powers said...


Anonymous said...

Welcome Reni Waggoner!!! We love you dearly! Come home to us as soon as you can!!!

Ellie, what a wonderful big sister you will be to little Reni. God answered our prayers, didn't He?

Nathan and Cydil, once again God has given you the grace, wisdom, and inner peace amidst the uncertainities of the court proceedings!! Our hearts are full and overflowing in praise to God for His hand upon every detail of Reni's adoption.

Dad and Mom

Aunt Ruth said...

Praise be to our Almighty Heavenly Father!!1 We rejoice with you!!!

Anonymous said...

We are rejoicing with you!!! The roller coaster you have been on is unbelieveable. Thank God for this exciting step!!! We see God's hand working all things out for your good and His glory. I can only imagine how hard it will be to leave Reni for a time. God has promised His grace and we will pray to that end. Love, Uncle Ken and Aunt Elaine

Anonymous said...

Awesome! that is exactly what our God is Awesome....Praises that Reni is now officially a Waggoner...What a great family God has chosen for him...Thank you God for being present in every detail of this adoption..Markettys

Aaron and Jennifer Santor said...

Praising God that all turned out well and that you officially have a new son. God is good and faithful!!! We have loved following your story and reading your posts since we began the process a couple of years ago.

We originally were adopting from Albania until Bethany pulled out. We emailed you back then. Anyway, now we're adopting from Bulgaria and found our son. Now all we're waiting on is for court to happen. We also have to deal with the August shutdown.

Praying the time goes by quickly for you to be reunited with your boy. It's hard to leave him, but God still is faithful and knows the perfect time and gives us much grace.

It's been 3 months since we met our son and we're looking at another 2 to 3 more months before bringing him home. We keep very busy and there is much grace!!!!

Doreen said...

Praise the Lord He is ever faithful. Am so happy to hear Ellie now has a brother and that you can all move forward as a family. God Bless

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You are now a family of four. Do you have to wait until Sept to come home or is everything set after the 15 wait period. With things closing for August I can't remember what the process is/was.

Melissa and Bob said...

Congrats to the entire family! Can't wait to see Reni safe at home in the US!

Amy said...

Never a dull moment in international adoption. We received word this morning that our paperwork will be submitted to the embassy tomorrow and Matt could travel as early as Aug. 9th to get the boys. OR the embassy could randomly select our case for further investigation (as they are doing now) and delay us weeks or months. We will know for sure tomorrow either way. Please pray we are given an appointment without further delay. Rejoicing for your all here in Wilmore!

Jane Woodward said...


Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...


Rebecca W said...

Aunt Rebecca is soooo excited to hold and play with lil Reni personally! Much Love!

hannah said...

hey nathan and cydil and ellie
aunt hannahv is congrat and happy for you for david reni i can wait to hold david and give him gifts

bug seth tua pip said...

Awesome to read. We will continue to pray for patience. You guys have more guts than about tension and drama! Can't wait to meet Reni :) Pip and Tua are excited too! Tua HAD to get a pink umbrella like her cousin Ellie yesterday...we will see what is next!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you all! I'm really so happy for you. I haven't posted anything, but I've been following your blog and praying for you every day. It's a little bittersweet for me b/c we had started on the process of a Russian adoption 2 years ago and it all fell apart. So I'm just a little envious of your story, but I know that God is in control of our family (and yours!) and I trust in Him wholeheartedly. Keep the blogs coming! Love, Jennifer (Maxwell) Root