

I promise we're not...

...trying to drum up drama to keep you all reading our blog. After describing Nathan's symptoms to his father (an MD), his dad is concerned he's having a relapse of malaria (the dull headache for 3 previous days, then the onset of the chill/fever cycle and other familiar symptoms). We just need to find the medicine here to treat him and he should do fine within 24-48 hours... however in trying to explain to our Albanian friends, many want him to get the bloodwork done -- which he doesn't need -- he just needs the medicine. Finding that here could prove kinda tricky. We may have to have it shipped here, however we're running into the weekend and that could also complicate matters.

Sadly, Nathan had to miss the party this morning and given this new development, my mind was distracted to say the least. Not knowing if I was going to be saying my 'goodbyes' and 'thank yous' that morning, while strategizing Nathan's health care options, and hosting a party for a bunch of kids -- well, it was a tad overwhelming. We arrived to music blaring and very excited kids. It was too much for Ellie and she was on the verge of losing it (and did indeed lose 'it') several times. I felt so bad as they had gotten him gifts, and Duzi came in with a special outfit for Reni and a beautiful balloon bouquet. I'm afraid Reni spent most of the party in Duzi's arms so I could blow up balloons, serve food, calm Ellie, and try to get some photos and video (which I will post those later on from Tirana). I was so grateful that Kerri could come and lend a hand. She got some video, picked up merengue for the kids, and took Ellie to the potty when she needed to go. Can't ask for a friend to do more!

Right now, we're planning to go back to Tirana this afternoon and Kerri will come with us. Nathan and I both believe he will be more comfortable back at the apartment where we can prepare meals from a kitchen, rather than running back and forth to restaurants and mini-shops and dealing with a cooped-up Ellie in a single room. Did I mention she's dealing with major homesickness right now? She tells us several times a day that she's ready to go back to Kentucky.

Thank you for your prayers. Gotta go pack.


Rebecca W said...

Happy 1st Birthday Reni!! How different your next ones are to come!

Praying for right medical help for you Nathan, keep us posted.

Aunt Ruth said...

Oh my!! We add our prayers for Nathan. We love each of you!!

Doreen Nixon said...

So sorry to hear Nathan is not well and will pray that you are able to get his medicine in Tirana and get him well on the way to recovery - I am glad Kerri is going with you she will be able to take some of the pressure of you and give you a bit of a break - we will continue to pray for you all.

Joann said...

Praying for Nathan's health.

hannah said...

happy 1st birthday reni and i willlbe pray for nathan for the right medical help and keep me posting with new piture of reni

Kjernald Family Adventures said...

Happy Birthday Reni!!!

Will be praying for Nathan and your ability to get the medicine needed.


Melissa and Bob said...

Happy Birthday Reni!

Praying for a quick recovery Nathan.