

Hot and Sticky

Wednesday morning at the orphanage

It has been so hot, I've not felt like lugging around the Canon 5D. Forgive the quality of the p&s pics.

Ellie holding up her ticket to ride the train at the city park yet again. ;-)
Wednesday night

Thursday night supper with Fredi

The heat has officially arrived. And Elbasan was the hottest city in Albania the last two days. They say it’s because the city is in a field (flat place). Seni told us that it was 38C (or 100.4F to be exact). I think it would have been better to not know exactly how hot it is!

The trips to the orphanage have been tolerable. We stand as close to the ceiling fans as we can be or by windows and pray for a breeze to find its way toward us. Reni’s t-shirt was sticking to his little body. We bought bottles of cold water and he just chugs ‘em down. They revive us and make us more comfortable for about half an hour or so. Ellie asked this afternoon if we could go to the store and by cold, COLD ice cream (as if there is another kind). She was tickled to pieces to find a ‘Tom and Jerry’ brand ice cream bar.

At the end of the day we hopped in the van and came back to Tirana for a dinner date with our friend Fredi (you may remember him from our Christmas post here). We had a YUMMY supper at a restaurant near the center (it was all I could do to keep from eating all of Nathan’s buffalo mozzarella and tomatoes. It’s not that you can’t get fresh fruits and veggies in Elbasan – I just don’t know how to order it there. If only we had a fridge in our hotel room, I’d buy a watermelon! Anyway, our supper conversation was great and it’s evenings like this that help make the time here meaningful when we can make memories with friends.

Tomorrow (Friday) Nathan’s parents are to arrive. Due to some issues in Columbus, they have missed their first flight (and all their subsequent flights). You can be praying for them as they try to reschedule. What this probably means is that they will arrive late Friday night instead of early afternoon. They will surely arrive exhausted. And we pray their luggage gets here with them too!


Melissa said...

Well, I'll give you a cool thought. When we went on our second trip to get Colby we spent a month in Yekaterinburg, Russia, in February. It was a "chilly"
-30oC (about -30oF or so). The kids look great. David Reni is adorable. Enjoy your time with both grannies!

The Wofford family said...

I'll think of you guys when I feel sorry for myself without a/c when it's 90 degrees here! I hope you get a break from it soon.

Amy said...

FYI-its been that hot and sticky here in Wilmore too. Most days are in the 90's but with the heat index is above 100. Its been so humid, you can hardly breathe when you go outside. My tomatoes are loving it, my daughters are not.