

David Reni has 2 Grannies Too! (and a PaPa & a Gjyshi)

The past 48 hours have been FULL! This morning we drove straight to Elbasan and happened to catch the Sisters putting David Reni in a cab to attend a doctor's appointment for an immunization. We had a hasty impromptu introduction with Nana and PaPa on the curb!

Ellie is telling her brother goodbye and be brave for your shot!

We went back to the orphanage this afternoon after naptime and enjoyed some time with the kiddos. So much to show Nana and PaPa at the orphanage!

This evening we had supper with Kerri in the ancient city wall ruins. The gardens were stunning and we were in constant amazement at our surroundings. Just gorgeous! I will post thos pics tomorrow!
Thank you for continuing to follow our story and activities. Having a wonderful time with family in town!


Kjernald Family Adventures said...

I am so glad that the family is there to support you and fall in love with David also. How fun for Ellie!

Can you guys make the script on your blog darker, it is really hard to read agains the light background. Thank you for allowing all of us to share this journey with you. We are praying.


Kjernald Family Adventures said...

Nevermind, the second time I logged on the background was dark again. Who knows why....

love you guys and so excited for your family.


Aunt Ruth said...

So great to see David Reni with his grandparents!!! We are so praying for the events of Wednesday. God will work it all out!!!

bug seth tua pip said...

I wish I was there, except for the heat. Great pictures and posts the last few days. We will be praying for Wednesday!

Rebecca W said...

Cant wait till it is my turn to hold David Reni ! :)

The Bathjes said...

Such great pictures of Nathan's parents with David and Ellie -- what blessing to all so much family there on your journey! God is good. We miss you guys and can't wait to meet David Reni face to face. Tell Ellie that Phoebe says hello!

Anonymous said...

I have become addicted to your blog but not real good at sending comments. We are rejoicing with you every step of the way!!! Especially conscience of the court date tomorrow! We are praying and know has and is working miracle after miracle. Can hardly wait to have that precious Reni in my arms. Our continual love and prayers. Uncle Ken and Aunt Elaine

Anonymous said...

I cont to follow the blog daily, and cont to stand in amazement of our Lord's provision. So happy to see grandparents are also there to love on their grandbabies..Will be praying tonight and tomorrow for wisdom during the court time tomorrow...God Bless all of you! Markettys

All 4 My Gals said...

So beautiful... all of it. I'm so excited for your journey!

Amy said...

How wonderful to have your extended family there. What a beautiful representation of the lengths an adoptive families will travel to redeem a life. So many good sermon illustrations are running through my mind right now.