

A Couple of New Prayer Requests

Okay, I know I'm his mom, but isn't he just the cutest thing? And his sister's not bad either (see below)!

Your prayers have meant so much to us, as we try to express here on the blog. Tonight we ask with a couple of specific requests in mind.

First, Nathan is coming down with something and he rarely gets sick. He’s had a dull headache for a couple of days, slowly losing his appetite. Tonight he hardly ate any dinner, then on the walk back to the hotel got violent chills. He’s doing better in bed now, but was asking for socks (he’s NEVER cold) and is resting with some ibuprofen in his system. Tomorrow morning is Reni’s 1st birthday and we’ve planned a party and a lot of the staff is coming in, even on their day off, to celebrate with us. We were wondering how we were going to do it all (including making balloon animals – which is a skill only Nathan possesses!) while adequately documenting the event with still pictures and video! We’re hoping it’s a 12-hour thing, otherwise, he’s not going to make it.

The second request is much more vague. Suffice it to say, we’ve been presented with a possibility for getting David Reni home much sooner, but it’s not been done before and we don’t want to push in our own strength, but determine if we are to proceed through a door that appears to be opening. Pray for supernatural wisdom. We only want to do that which brings glory to the Father. We will know more after our Monday Embassy appointment. This morning I read this from one of my favorite bloggers: "...the Lord said to me, 'If you never had problems you would not see Me work.' Wow! I know that, but it was fresh and new and I am still blown away by how powerful that is. It's so true. How many of us would stop and pay attention to the God of the Universe if life was all peachy? Not many." So while I don't classify this as a problem, we are thankful for the opportunity this entire experience has been to lean into God and see Him work.

Some photos from this morning at the orphanage:

Thankfully Nathan was still feeling relatively well this afternoon to enjoy a special treat: we got to take Reni back to the hotel with us! What a delight to surprise family with a pool-side Skype video conference with Reni ‘live’ and ‘in person!’ He is sporting some cool pool attire thanks to his generous Aunt Hannah!

Thanks again for lifting us up. We are honored that so many have joined us in this faith journey. The story is still being written!

Um, yeah. Nathan dipped DR in the water...which is why my pants are wet. ;-)


Aunt Ruth said...

Great pictures!!! Great Skype visit!! Praying for Nathan to feel better. My heart is bursting with gratitude to our God for all He has done as well as all He is going to do!! Uncle Jerry Jenkins please write a book about these 2 adoptions. They would be best sellers!!! We send Happy Birthday
greetings to Reni. He should get a card from us tomorrow.

hannah said...

hey nathan and cydil
love the new pitures of david reni and happy first birthday to david torrow from his aunt hannah i am happy that i give him the clothes on the blog

Joann said...

Many prayers sending your way - hope things turn out for the best.

Also, Happy Birthday to David Reni. How great - you get to celebrate ALL his birthday's with him.

Hope Nathan continues to feel better.

Meredith said...

So happy for you all! Continuing to pray! Such a beautiful family! Thanks for sharing with everyone!