

Change in Scenery

We left Tirana at 7:45AM this morning and had dropped off our luggage at the hotel in Elbasan and were at the gate of David Reni's orphanage by 9:15, our normal arrival time. Our original plan had been to return Monday morning but we needed to stop by the American embassy yesterday afternoon (their usual time for drop-ins).

It seemed that in the 5 days we were gone, DR had chunked up some more, if that's possible. He was in a good mood and very jabbery. Because of the rain these past three days, the temperatures have dropped off considerably to the point of being 'cool!' We went up on the roof of the orphanage and enjoyed some quiet family time with the bigger toys. Reni really likes the rocking horses and the trucks. In fact, on two different occasions we caught him pushing a large truck and then walking about 4 or 5 steps behind it! Whoa! We're going to try to be prepared next time with the video for that!

Since we left, Orsiole, one of the cuties in the pool picture with Ellie and also photographed on Dad W's lap, left to go home to his forever family in Tirana. We are so glad he has a family now! We go back for an afternoon visit this afternoon at the orphanage and will settle into our last stint at this hotel. This is our 5th week here, believe it or not. 10 visits remaining with David Reni before we leave...

I don't know if you've gotten to 'hear' much of our little guy... enjoy this video of his giggles.

And 'cause I gave up the thought of napping and I'm feeling generous, here's another...


Anonymous said...

So wonderful to see Reni this morning, smiling and active! I find it hard to believe we were just there! Give Reni and Ellie big hugs and kisses from Nonna and Pa Pa!

It is cool in Elbasan??? What a wonderful relief for you and all the children in the orphanage! In our hearts, we are with you!

Aunt Ruth said...

What a precious boy!! Love and Prayers are sent your way.

Anonymous said...

Glad it cooled off some for ya'll. Will be praying for tomorrows court date. Tina Lewis