

Bad News

Bad News
This trip started out great. Ellie was a wonderful little traveler, our first days with David Reni were going beyond our expectations, and we were enjoying getting to know this corner of Albania – we were making new friends, impressed with the care at David Reni’s orphanage, and touched by the care and service provided us by our hotel staff and taxi drivers. In spite of trying not to compare adoption experiences, these trips couldn’t have been more different.
Then the past 48-72 hours have been kinda rough. First Ellie got sick (still not sure exactly what has been ailing her – she has been making repeated trips to the bathroom and had a touch and go fever for three days straight), then I got sick last night with tonsillitis of some sort and was laid out all day today in bed with a fever and difficulty swallowing. Nathan returned from the orphanage this morning to report that David Reni was also sick, not sleeping, downing water, and sweating through his clothes while also dealing with a bad skin infection all over his body. This was on top of it taking longer and longer to procure our court date than anyone anticipated. I had a growing feeling that things were going to get more difficult before they got better.
Our best case scenario was that we would arrive here, knock off our 14-day pre-court visit with David Reni, get our court date set for mid July so that we could get the adoption decree (15 days after court) before the August recess and bring him home in early August . Realistically, we would have been satisfied with getting our court appointments taken care of in this trip and then one or both of us would return to pick up David Reni in early to mid-September after the 15 day appeal period expired, and all the necessary legal documents procured.
Today we learned that the ‘worst case scenario’ might be unfolding. To everyone’s surprise, the judge (or her assistant) refused to give Sister Rosita a court date today, insisting on speaking only with a Bethany Rep (in the past they have given dates to Sister Rosita) and requiring some further documentation for their files. Sister Rosita was told that they probably wouldn’t accommodate us until mid September at the earliest. Should this happen, then both of us would need to return to Albania in September for the court appointments, and then one of us would have to make a third trip back to bring David Reni home later in the fall.
We are discouraged and our minds are reeling at what this means. In talking it through, we came up with a couple of other options in mind to present the judge tomorrow. We are thankful that the Bethany rep, Alma, can come here tomorrow to present the documents they are wanting, so we should get a date finally set tomorrow. Perhaps all of these delays have happened because a case will be cancelled and an opening will appear on the docket. We’ll see. Perhaps all of these things have been allowed to happen so that you, our family and friends will also get to see God’s hand at work. We know that God is in control, is aware of our resources, and wants the best for us and David Reni. We have been praying all along for a situation that might bring Him glory. By the end of tomorrow we should know a good deal more about the remainder of our time here. Thank you so much for your continued prayers and notes of encouragement.


Kjernald Family Adventures said...

We will be praying for your health and the scenario. Even in worse case scenario, David Reni will come home to you and be your son. We are praising Jesus already for that day! May you be blessed with how the Lord works things out for you.

the kjernalds

Melissa and Bob said...

Praying for the best! And that you all heal soon.

Tina Lewis said...

Praying for your health and God to work everything out.

Anonymous said...

I know you are so eager to get things moving, however remember God has prepared you just for this time in remember he is in control, He will know when it is time...I pray it is soon and that all of you regain your health..Gods blessing sent your way Markettys

Kathryn said...

Giving God all the glory for what He has done and what He WILL do!

Anonymous said...

We continue to pray in Middletown Springs, Vt and lay all these "details" at His feet. Our God will make a way. Betsy and Rolalnd Mitcheson xxOO

Darold and Marcia said...

Psalms 37
Delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Committ your way to the Lord, trust in him and he will do this.
We are praying for your family.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

I'm so sorry. I'll keep praying.

Amy said...

We and our church is praying. We know how frustrating the process can be. Laurie is right, in the end, David will be your son and will be home. So sorry to hear you are sick as well. We love you guys and can't wait to hear how God is going to grow your family.

bug seth tua pip said...

"...thus his hands were steady until the sun set..."

many are with you in this-

we're praying tonight

Rebecca W said...

following closely and praying!

Aunt Ruth said...

We remain in prayer for you and the adoption.
I am sure that God who began the good work will keep right on helping you Phillipsians 1:6 (Living Bible)

Anna said...

Thank you for keeping us posted. We are praying for all four of you! Praying that Jesus will keep you all healthy and that Jesus will make a way where there seems to be no way.