

1 Down, 1 To Go

Because I know you are all anxious to hear about this morning, I'm squeezing in a bit of time online between lunch and leaving for our afternoon visit to the orphanage. This morning we passed up our traditional morning visit to the orphanage to see David Reni since we would need to leave after less than one hour to travel to the courthouse.

We took a cab and waited in a coffee shop across the street from where everything would be happening. I thought it was interesting that the three coffee shops didn't even have names posted on the front -- by their mere location they probably do good business.

(Above) Waiting to meet our Tirana 'team' (Altin, Agim and Mom VO)
(Below) Waiting to be allowed in the court house

One funny sidenote while sitting on the benches above, the security officer (female) who initially carried a rather official air, warmed up quickly after deciding that I resemble her daughter. She pulled out her cell phone and showed me photo after photo of her daughter. What do you say in that situation? "Wow! What a beautiful daughter you have!" ????

We were finally told we could go inside, then waited some more in the corridor outside the judge's office. Personally I was relieved that we were meeting in her office and not in a courtroom (as was the case for Ellie). The 'informality' of an office seemed less intimidating. The actual encounter with the judge went quite quickly and we didn't even have to speak with her though an official court translator was provided (and Agim, Altin, and Sister Rosetta are all fluent English speakers). We just signed our names as having been present and agreed to meet again next Wednesday at 12:30PM when she announces her official decision. It lasted not even five minutes once everyone was assembled.
If everything goes as planned, the adoption decree can be issued no sooner than August 12 or 13. Thank you for praying for this detail, as well as praying for this morning's proceedings.
This is a DOUBLE POSTER day. Don't miss pics from yesterday's trip to the orphanage!


Aunt Ruth said...

We wait and pray earnestly with you!!

Anonymous said...

We thank God with you for the success this morning!!! Continuing to pray for each step ahead. Love the pictures!!!Uncle Ken and Aunt Elaine

Rutledge 7 said...

glad you are one step closer!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'll be praying the next one is smooth and you will be able to get all the paperwork done before August.

Tina Lewis

Doreen Nixon said...

I was happy to hear that today went off well - we will continue to pray over the bridges that you still have to cross. Praise the Lord for His hand over you as a family.

Rebecca W said...

Praying this morning, was anxious to check the blog this evening!