

Thanksgiving Re Cap

I have a confession to make.  I have yet to finish Ann Voskamp's book, 1000 Gifts
 But that hasn't kept me from recommending it to (and even buying it for) others.
In spite of that, I've never forgotten what I took away as the foundational premise:  that perhaps the first, original sin of Adam and Eve in the garden was the sin of ingratitude.  That eating the fruit was a manifestation of their hearts' position that what God had created for them wasn't good enough.
It's a thought that comes to my mind whenever I'm tempted to complain about my status or situation. 
That brings me to Thanksgiving.  The older I become, the more I appreciate this holiday.  Just this past week I learned that we only celebrate this holiday on an annual basis is because a concerned citizen of the United States petitioned her president. Every year.  For forty years. Finally, in 1863 President Abraham Lincoln designated the last Thursday of November to be a day of  "Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens".
Thanksgiving generates praise.  Praise reminds us who we are in relation to Him. In right relation to him we orient ourselves properly.
We celebrated the day by talking with family back in the States.  After about 30 minutes of trying, Nathan, Stephen, and Dad were able to negotiate a 3-way Google video Hangout.

But though we weren't able to be with family in person, we were glad to share our Thanksgiving Dinner with some American friends who came out to join us from Tirana.

We enjoyed everything from Turkey to mashed potatoes, stuffing, and specially imported cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie!

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