

2nd Family Anniversary!

In adoption circles, many families celebrate 'gotcha day' -- the day they were given their child and became a family. For us, we technically didn't 'get' Ellie until nearly a month after visiting her daily in the orphanage. We consider the day after Thanksgiving to be our family anniversary of sorts -- the first time the three of us saw each other and started developing family bonds that can only be created from time together. Above are photos taken on our 'family anniversary'. This year we were a few days late -- this particular photo was taken after church Sunday when we were privileged as a family to provide the Advent reading and candle lighting (we were afraid Ellie would want to blow it out, but she was good!).

We celebrated by taking Ellie to see her first movie at the theater (Madagascar 2) -- though we had to take turns holding her seat down so she wouldn't get folded up like a letter in an envelope, she was great! (um, except for tossing two pieces of popcorn on the lady in front of her... at least that's all that we know of...).


Anonymous said...

aww congratulations! such a beautiful family!

Rebecca W said...

How exciting! It has been so great to see Ellie grow in so many ways! What a happy and blessed family! :)

Aunt Ruth said...

What a precious, beautiful family!!! God is good.

Charley said... guys haven't aged a bit! Ellie, on the other hand, has grown like a weed! Yay!